Naslovna VESTI SPASIO GA OD UTAPANJA I POVEO U AVANTURU! Mladić 10 dana brinuo...

SPASIO GA OD UTAPANJA I POVEO U AVANTURU! Mladić 10 dana brinuo o kojotu! (FOTO)


Jedan mladić u Kanadi bio je na višednevnom raftingu na reci Red Deer gde je doživio neobično iskustvo. Dok je pecao, primetio je kako jedna životinja pliva kroz mutnu i hladnu vodu, a njuškicu je jedva držala izvan vode.

Voda je bila toliko mutna da nije mogao odmah da vidi i razluči  o kojoj životinji se radi.

LUDI SVET: Najluđi poštanski paket ikada! Kada su otvorili ZINULI SU U ČUDU, psi lajali, a unutra…


FENOMENALNA VEST! Zatvorena poslednja farma krzna u BiH!

Pokušavajući da spase životinju, on je pao u ledeno hladnu vodu, ali na kraju je uspeo da izvuče živu glavu kao i da pomogne životinji koja bi se gotovo sigurno udavila!

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We have a really amazing coyote pup rescue story to share today! ? Our caller Justin was on a multi-day raft trip down the Red Deer and South Saskatchewan Rivers when he heard a commotion coming from somewhere along the shoreline. He said it sounded like a dog fight so he parked his raft and hiked up to a higher elevation to investigate. However, he wasn’t able to see anything so he went back to his raft to go fishing. While he was fishing, he heard something in the water squeak – and that’s when he saw some sort of animal swimming in the river! It’s nose was barely above the water and the water was so dark and murky that Justin couldn’t initially tell what kind of animal it was. Justin tried to reach for the animal but ended up falling in the freezing cold water as well. Luckily, Justin was somehow able to locate the animal – a coyote pup! – in the water AND catch his raft before it floated away for good! Unfortunately, when Justin brought the animal back to his raft, the little coyote pup was unconscious and didn’t seem to be breathing. The pup was lucky yet again as Justin had experience with CPR and was able to do a modified Heimlich manoeuvre by pushing on its belly. After a few pushes, water squirted out of the coyote’s nose and he was breathing again! As Justin was rafting and had limited service over the next 10 or so days, he kept the coyote with him and cared for him the entire time! The little pup would eat with Justin, cuddle in his jacket, and sleep in his backpack while they rafted down the river. Justin ended up naming the little guy YipYip and took really good care of him throughout the trip. Eventually, Justin was able to find a place where he could get service and call his wife for advice. Initially, they contacted organizations in Ontario and Manitoba, before they connected with the Swift Current SPCA who got him in touch with us! Our amazing volunteer Samantha in Swift Current helped coordinate the transfer and now YipYip is with our wonderful rehabber Melanie. He will be taken care of until he is old enough to be returned to the wild! If it wasn’t for the wonderfully caring Justin, little YipYip would have perished in the river.

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Kada ju je ubacio na splav, preplašeni mladić je video da se radi o mladunčetu kojota. Nije mogao odmah da ga odvede kod veterinara jer je bio na raftingu i nije mogao da se dokopa obale.

Tokom 10 dana kojot je ostao na splavu a mladić se brinuo o njemu, hranio ga je, i tokom hladnih večeri spavali su zajedno pokriveni jaknama.

Kad je konačno uspeo da pozve pomoć, mladić je predao kojota veterinarima, a oni su preuzeli brigu o njemu.

DA LI VAŠ PAS IDE SA VAMA U WC?: Evo i zašto to radi (VIDEO)

*Nije dozvoljeno preuzimanje celog ili delova teksta i grafičkih segemenata bez prethodne saglasnosti autora.

Prethodni tekstPARČE TEKSASA U BEOGRADU! Zavirite u autentičan kaubojski stil Divljeg Zapada! (FOTO)
Sledeći tekstVlasnica se samo SRUŠILA, a on je odlučio da joj pomogne na URNEBESAN način! (VIDEO)


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