Naslovna VESTI PSI PAS NAPUŠTEN ZBOG KORONE prešao 1.600 km kako bi NAŠAO vlasnika! (FOTO/VIDEO)

PAS NAPUŠTEN ZBOG KORONE prešao 1.600 km kako bi NAŠAO vlasnika! (FOTO/VIDEO)


Porodica Ilbek je na svom putu oko sveta, usvojila ženkicu jazavičara koju je našla na Siciliji. Dali su joj ime Pipskvik i kad je počeo haos s koronavirusom, mala Pip je sa svojom porodicom, krstarila morima.

U vrhuncu pandemije iskrcali su se na Hilton Hed ostrvu, a kako su se granice zatvarale, Zoe i Gaj Ilbek i njihova dva sina imali su manje od 48 sati da se spakuju i odlete kući u Australiju.

PORODICA UDOMILA PSA NA SAMRTI: Svakog dana čine nešto ČAROBNO za njega! (FOTO)

Pip, nažalost, nije mogla s njima, zbog strogih pravila Australije o uvoženju kućnih ljubimaca.  Zoe je brzinski organizovala da Pip ostane kod prijatelja u Južnoj Karolini dok se ne vrate. Mislili su da će to biti za nekoliko nedelja. Međutim, taj period se odužio…

Pipina nova starateljka živela je na farmi bizona, ali je već imala dva psa i nije mogla na duže staze da čuva Pip, pa joj je preko oglasa potražila novog staratelja. Javile su se tri osobe, a Pip je prešla kod Elen Stajnberg iz Hilsburga.

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Sailors, travelers (!) and friends in the USA – can you help me find a domestic travel buddy for Pipsqueak? As many of you know, our mini Weiner dog Pip has been a Covid refugee in North Carolina for the last 3 months, being looked after by an amazing foster-mum in Hillsborough, NC but we need to get her home to Australia! Yesterday Pip was finally granted something no human being on earth could currently acquire – an import permit to Australia! And we’ve found her a flight from LA to Melbourne, Australia, via New Zealand BUT we need to get her from the East Coast USA to the West and into LA on the 20th July (or the day before). Flying her cargo is possible but stressful, not direct and can get cancelled if it’s too hot that day! So I am looking for someone who might be flying out of North Carolina or others like Richmond, DC, Philly or Atlanta on the 20th July and would agree to take her in cabin. She is packed and just about ready to go! Having visited over 20 countries already and crossed the Atlantic with us for 24 days at sea this flight should be a piece of cake for her! Will you share this post with anyone who still flies across the USA in this crazy new world we now all live in? Thank you ? #bringpiphome #covidrefugee #helppip #doxie #doxiesofinstagram #sausagedog #travellingdog #australiabound #dachshund #dachshundsofinstagram #covidtravel #headingeast #homewardbound

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Kasnije, kad je ona morala da obiđe svoju porodicu, Pip je stigla do još jedne starateljke, Stejsi Grin, koja se u nju zaljubila toliko da bi je zadržala da je mogla. A nije mogla, Pip je već imala svoju kuću, u Sidneju.

Na drugoj strani sveta, Zoe je ustajala u 4 ujutro svakog dana kako bi se bavila beskrajnim papirologijama koje bi joj omogućile da uveze psa iz SAD u Australiju, a preko video poziva je redovno bila u kontaktu sa svojom ljubimicom.

– Slikala sam je i kačila na društvene mreže, Pip je počela da razvija sopstvenu bazu obožavalaca – priča sa smehom.


Ubrzo je postalo jasno i da neće biti moguće da se Ilbekovi vrate u SAD zbog ograničenja putovanja, tako da je Pip morala sama na dug put do Australije. To nije bilo lako organizovati.

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“Where’s Pip – is she ok?” So many friends have asked us this in the last few weeks since we landed in Sydney and a couple of times I’ve started blubbing. Because as those who know us will attest, Pip is actually our only daughter (and often our best behaved child!) and we had to leave her in the USA. So I miss her terribly, but actually my tears are more of gratitude because my dear friend Lynn in North Carolina took Pip In with without hesitation and just a day’s notice. Then she proceeded to find yet another insanely beautiful human called @insteinbergram who along with her uber cool sidekick @franklydogly has become Pip’s foster mumma. Ellen and Lynn are like her guardian angels and in the last month have helped Pip to navigate enormous change. This time last month Pip was in the Gulf Stream 80 miles offshore barking at dolphins. Today she turned two years old, dug some holes in the garden and Ellen hosted her birthday party! Frankly the Dog kindly helped her eat some party treats and she looked mildly interested as we all sang her happy birthday (honestly she coulda looked a bit more excited, but there you go!) Anyway she’s insanely lucky to have such a lovely foster home and people who care for her – she looks sooo happy there and for this we are so very grateful. Now we’re working to get Pip home to Australia ASAP when flights resume. Thank you Lynn and Ellen, you’re simply fabulous human beings #guardianangels #amazinghumans #covidfoster #theadventuresoffranklyandpip #gulfstreamdolphins #landlubberdog #doxie #weinerdog #sausagedog #noplansjustoptions

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– Da biste izvezli psa iz Amerike, potrebno je da dobijete američku deklaraciju u kojoj se potvrđuje da je pas dobrog zdravlja i da je imao određene testove krvi u vezi sa besnilom. To se radi u Njujorku, koji je sada bio zatvoren. Dakle, pokušaj da se nešto takvo uradi bilo je izuzetno teško – kaže Zoe.

*Nije dozvoljeno preuzimanje celog ili delova teksta i grafičkih segemenata bez prethodne saglasnosti autora.

Prethodni tekstFOTOGRAFIJA PSA ZALUDELA INTERNET: Uspravio se na noge, a na zidu… (FOTO)
Sledeći tekstŽELJA ZA ŽIVOTOM JE BILA JAČA: Razvlačili su ih po vrelom asfaltu, svaki minut im je bio kritičan!


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